We are updating this page. If any of these links don't work please tell us.
LGBTshrewsbury does not provide a support service, but we know people who do. LGBT Switchboard is a good starting point...
Age UK Services for older and old people. Shrewsbury 01743 233 123 enquiries@ageukstw.org.uk
Befriending by Reach. Regular telephone calls to LGBT+ people aged over 50. AgeUK Shropshire/Telford & Wrekin 01743 233123 enquiries@ageukstw.org.uk
Bi men www.shybi-guys.com
Bi women www.shybi.com
Black and Minority Ethnic LGBT counselling and support. http://naz.org.uk/
Crime reporting Report anonymously or giving personal details. West Mercia Police. Telephone 101 (or 999 in an emergency). Or report online at True Vision http://report-it.org.uk
Crime support from Victim Support. Face to face locally or over the phone. 01905 726896. www.victimsupport.org.uk
FFLAG Support for people coming out and for parents of lesbian, gay or bi children. www.fflag.org.uk
Finding A Voice South Asian LGBT social and support group in Birmingham. Finding A Voice
Gay Farmers support www.gayfarmer.co.uk
Gendered Intelligence Information and support around gender identity. www.genderedintelligence.co.uk
GIRES Research, information and support around gender identity www.gires.org.uk
LGBT Switchboard (Previously London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard) Helpline on almost anything. http://switchboard.lgbt/
MIND For better mental health. Holywell St, SY2 6BL 01743 210100 http://shropshiremind.org/
Old age Information to support us to age well as LGBT+ people in Shropshire/Telford & Wrekin here
Police Report crime or incidents anonymously or giving personal details. West Mercia Police. Telephone 101 (or 999 in an emergency). Or report on line True Vision http://report-it.org.uk
Samaritans for if you need to talk. 01743 369696 or 116 123. jo@samaritans.org
Sexual health from Terence Higgins Trust. http://www.tht.org.uk/our-charity/Get-help-now
Shropshire Council Report graffiti or other community issues here https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/environmental-maintenance-and-enforcement/street-care-and-cleansing/graffiti/
SOFFA Marmalade Significant Others, Family, Friends & Allies of anyone supporting someone with gender issues. Meetings to help people understand and cope when a loved one transitions. Wolverhampton based. 07590 321014 soffamarmalade@hotmail.com
Young people Support from homophobic and transphobic bullying. EACH action line http://www.eachaction.org.uk/support/
LGBT Shrewsbury
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